Lee Caufield

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Lee Caufield is best known for her stylized paintings of favourite subjects from the natural world and for her contemporary equine pieces. Her painting surfaces are energized with line and pattern, and textured surfaces offer a visually tactile element.

Caufield’s work is usually done in acrylics but she may also incorporate graphite, water colour, ink and oil pastel. Frequent inclusion of script hearkens back to her interests in calligraphy and writing. Embedding script within her paintings also appears to suggest, but never fully explains or defines, an essential part of the painting’s narrative.

Horses and cattle are grouped within shifting stories of wind, weather and landscape.
Contemplative cats linger near floral bouquets, offering the viewer a glimpse into the domestic anatomy of pleasure.

And birds. Garden nooks and shady corners, weathered stone baths or walls all provide places of welcome and replenishment for feathered visitors.

Lee Caufield is a member of the Federation of Canadian Artists and is the recipient of
numerous awards. Her paintings can be found in private collections in Canada, the USA,
Europe and China.

Artist’s Statement:

My artwork is largely an intuitive response to the subject matter that interests me. This subject matter has pretty well remained consistent throughout my life – birds and animals, gardens, still life – and I find that textural, layered surfaces free me to paint them in a stylized or abstracted manner. Lots of chance and unpredictability involved! Viewers of my work might also expect to work a little harder in order to discover something that is not always immediately revealed.

Although my subjects such as cattle may be recognizable, it is their shapes, forms and gestures that appeal to me; their groupings and the nuances of the landscape and weather they inhabit.

My own garden is also an endless source of inspiration. A series of birdbath paintings is in direct response to many welcome avian visitors. And of course the series of blackbirds that I love to capture in all their busy, raucous, curious, and delightful beauty.

10 X 8 in. - $610.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'White in White' at White Rock Gallery
8 X 10 in. - $610.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Bull Calf' at White Rock Gallery
6 X 6 in. - $385.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Siesta' at White Rock Gallery
6 X 6 in. - $385.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Introductions' at White Rock Gallery
9 X 12 in. - $725.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Lineage' at White Rock Gallery
12 X 9 in. - $725.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Lineage 2' at White Rock Gallery
6 X 6 in.
Lee Caufield artwork 'Patience' at White Rock Gallery
12 X 9 in. - $725.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Lee Caufield - Pause' at White Rock Gallery
14 X 11 in. - $880.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Lee Caufield - Park Encounter' at White Rock Gallery
12 X 9 in.
Lee Caufield artwork 'Lee Caufield - November Cattle' at White Rock Gallery
18 X 18 in.
Lee Caufield artwork 'Lee Caufield - Merger' at White Rock Gallery
20 X 16 in. - $1,380.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Colt' at White Rock Gallery
20 X 20 in. - $1,565.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Tiered Garden' at White Rock Gallery
24 X 36 in. - $2,460.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Empirical' at White Rock Gallery
16 X 20 in. - $1,380.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'By The Barn' at White Rock Gallery
20 X 16 in. - $1,380.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Border Blues' at White Rock Gallery
30 X 24 in. - $2,175.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Dappled Garden' at White Rock Gallery
20 X 30 in. - $1,945.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Landscape with Horses' at White Rock Gallery
14 X 12 in. - $935.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Horses & Moon' at White Rock Gallery
36 X 36 in.
Lee Caufield artwork 'Generous' at White Rock Gallery
40 X 40 in. - $3,740.00
Lee Caufield artwork 'Garden Wall' at White Rock Gallery
20 X 16 in.
Lee Caufield artwork 'The Orchid Bather' at White Rock Gallery
10 X 8 in.
Lee Caufield artwork 'Corridor' at White Rock Gallery
30 X 30 in.
Lee Caufield artwork 'Swallows' at White Rock Gallery
20 X 20 in.
Lee Caufield artwork 'Ever' at White Rock Gallery
18 X 36 in.
Lee Caufield artwork 'Folklore' at White Rock Gallery
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